
Podium Athletics

Start Your Journey to the Podium of Health & Wellness Today!

Podium Athletics

Start Your Journey to the Podium of Health & Wellness Today!

Be the Champion of Your Health & Fitness

Welcome to our empowering wellness community, where we are dedicated to helping you become the champion of your health and fitness journey. Our goal is to create an environment to thrive and achieve goals. We cater to unique needs and preferences, which is why we offer a variety of versatile workout programs to cater to your individuality. Whether you prefer the convenience and flexibility of online programs, the energy and camaraderie of in-person classes, or the personalized attention of one-on-one personal training, we have a solution that suits you. Our experienced team of coaches and trainers are committed to guiding and supporting you every step of the way. We strive to provide a comprehensive range of services beyond physical fitness. Our health, wellness, and accountability coaching is designed to address all aspects of your well-being. We will help you develop sustainable habits, manage stress, improve sleep quality, and create a positive mindset to ensure long-term success.

Podium Plans

Podium Daily

Podium Daily

The Podium Daily program is a popular training regimen that combines elements of strength training, conditioning, and functional movements. It involves a daily workout that incorporates a variety of exercises, typically performed at high intensity and for a specific time duration. This program includes a mix of cardiovascular exercises, weightlifting, bodyweight movements, and gymnastics. The workouts are designed to challenge and improve endurance, strength, speed, agility, and overall fitness. The workouts vary daily, and can modification and scaling options are available to suit different fitness levels and goals, making them suitable for individuals of all fitness backgrounds.

for first week
Podium Team

Podium Team

Our program focuses on improving the fundamental movement patterns and athletic qualities necessary for success in any sport. We will focus on developing strength, power, speed, agility, endurance, and injury prevention and recovery techniques. Our training program is based on the latest scientific research and proven training methods of elite athletes worldwide. We will comprehensively assess each athlete’s movement patterns, strength, and conditioning to identify individual strengths and weaknesses. This will allow us to develop a customized training plan addressing each athlete’s needs and goals. Our high school team off-season training program is designed to provide athletes with the tools and knowledge they need to maximize their potential and excel in their sport. We prioritize safety, fun, and community, and our coaching team is dedicated to supporting and motivating each athlete to reach their full potential. If you’re ready to take your game to the next level and dominate on the field or court, let’s get started with our high school team off-season training program.

for 2 Months
Podium Nutrition

Podium Nutrition

Podium Nutrition online program offers a personalized approach to help individuals achieve their health and wellness goals through proper nutrition. Working with a coach, the program provides tailored meal plans, guidance, and ongoing support to create a sustainable and effective nutrition strategy. The coach takes into account the individual's dietary preferences, lifestyle, and specific goals to develop a customized plan. Through regular check-ins and adjustments, the coach helps track progress, address challenges, and provide accountability. The program may also include educational resources, recipe ideas, and tips for healthy eating habits. With the convenience of online communication, individuals can receive expert guidance and support to optimize their nutrition and achieve long-term success.

for first week
Podium Sprint

Podium Sprint

Podium Sprint is a 45-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) style at-home workout program designed to get your heart pumping and maximize calorie burn in a short amount of time. The workouts are typically intense and fast-paced, combining bodyweight exercises, lightweight resistance, plyometrics, and cardio movements. With a focus on circuits and timed intervals, Podium Sprint workouts aim to push your limits and improve cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. The program provides a challenging and efficient way to exercise from the comfort of your own home, allowing you to break a sweat, boost your metabolism, and achieve your fitness goals in a time-efficient manner.

for first week
Podium Oly

Podium Oly

Our Olympic weightlifting program is a training regimen that focuses on developing explosive power, speed, and technique in two main lifts: the snatch and the clean and jerk. It involves a combination of strength training, mobility work, and skill development. This program includes high-intensity lifts with low to moderate repetitions, focusing on perfecting the technique of these complex movements. It emphasizes the use of proper form and technique, along with specific exercises and drills to enhance speed, flexibility, and overall power output. Progressive overload is implemented to continually challenge the lifter and improve performance in these dynamic lifts. Rest and recovery are crucial for optimal gains and injury prevention.

for first week
Podium Build

Podium Build

Our hypertrophy program is a specialized training regimen designed to maximize muscle growth and size. It typically involves high-volume workouts targeting specific muscle groups, using moderate to heavy weights, and incorporating various exercises that stimulate muscle hypertrophy. The program typically focuses on progressive overload, gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or frequency of training to challenge the muscles continually. Adequate rest and proper nutrition are essential components of a hypertrophy program to support muscle recovery and growth.

for first week
Podium Power

Podium Power

The Podium Power program is a strength-focused training regimen aimed at improving maximal strength in three main lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. The program typically involves low to moderate repetitions with heavy weights, focusing on lifting near-maximal loads to build strength. It often incorporates progressive overload, gradually increasing the weight lifted over time. The program may include accessory exercises targeting specific muscle groups to improve strength and stability. Rest periods between sets are longer compared to hypertrophy training to allow for recovery. Proper technique, form, and nutrition are emphasized to optimize performance in powerlifting lifts.

for first week
Podium Stretch

Podium Stretch

Podium Movement & Mobility focuses on enhancing the range of motion, flexibility, and overall body movement quality. It typically involves a combination of stretching exercises, mobility drills, and movement patterns designed to improve joint mobility, reduce muscular imbalances, and enhance body control. Emphasis is placed on proper form and technique, gradually progressing from basic to more advanced movements. By prioritizing movement quality and flexibility, a movement and mobility program helps individuals move more efficiently, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance overall physical performance.

for first week
Podium PT

Podium PT

*INQUIRE FOR PRICING* If you are looking for a deeper individual experience, our gym offers personalized training to help you achieve your fitness goals. Our professional coaches are dedicated to helping you improve your strength, endurance, and overall health through individualized training programs tailored to your specific needs. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve your overall fitness level, our personal training sessions are designed to help you achieve your goals. We take a holistic approach to fitness, focusing on exercise, nutrition, recovery, and mindset.

Podium Custom Coaching

Podium Custom Coaching

Our custom coaching and remote program design services bring the expertise and guidance of a professional coach directly to you, no matter where you are in the world. Our custom coaching and remote program design services are tailored to meet your unique needs and goals, whether you’re looking to improve your overall fitness, train for a specific event or competition, or simply need some extra accountability and support. We start by getting to know you, your fitness history, and your current abilities, and then create a personalized training program that is designed to help you achieve your goals.


Podium Athletics

Health & Wellness

Elevate your wellness journey with our all-in-one app. Tailored for all ages and fitness levels, we offer online subscriptions packed with personalized programs, nutrition coaching, and lifestyle habits that will help to unleash your inner health champion and embark on a transformative experience that empowers you to conquer your goals. With our comprehensive approach, you'll unlock your full potential, build sustainable habits, and achieve long-lasting health and fitness success. Join our vibrant community and embrace the power of personalized support on your path to greatness. Your journey to the podium of health starts now!

Podium Athletics

Online Fitness for All Ages & Levels

Schedule A Call

Connect with us for an initial consult to discuss your health & wellness goals and let us help guide you to the best plan to get you started.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Data helps us to set you up for success.

Personalized & Online Programs

A multitude of online subscription-based programs available, as well as personalized programming.

Nutrition Coaching

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. Our nutrition and wellness coach will work with you on your plan to ensure you are able to find a balance in your nutrition lifestyle that creates good habits and sets you up for success.

Podium Athletics

Start Your Journey to the Podium of Health & Wellness Today!